Posted by: Team - Bowhead whale | May 15, 2011

Visitor with history

One day at the Arctic Station a visitor came by curios to see the station.  She told us that she had lived in the town some years ago and that she had also used to visit the station quite often. We invited the visitor and her friend inside as we were on our way to the lunch break. Accompanied by a piece of bread and a cup of tea she told us that she had lived in Qeqertarsuaq during the years 1939 to 1942  and then had moved on to Aasiaat on the mainland. After  World War 2 had ended and ship communication was re-established, she and her family had moved back to Denmark.

During her time in Qeqertarsuaq she had of course missed her family in DK and the founder of Arktisk Station Morten Porsild had the age of a grandfather and it happened so that he was missing his family and grandchildren in DK so our guest made a happy relation to Morten Porsild.  Still now she recarded Morten Porsild as her bonus grandfather. She told us stories from a time long gone and for us, working, living and enjoying all the benefits of a well established old research station (all thanks to Morten Porsilds great work) it was like history coming alive. The picture on the wall at the station with Porsild looking rather brisk was totally changed in our minds, as we heard stories of her sitting on his lap pulling his beard. All the crew from the research is herby sending the warmest regards to this friendly visitor with the fantastic memories.

Åse Friis, the reserve grandchild of Morten Porsild, who used to live in Qeqertarsuaq as a child. Photo: E. Christoffersen
